be a man.

i understand that i am a pretty dominant girl.
okay a really dominant girl.
but, if you are not taking the bull by the horns, well heck, i will do it.
i cannot sit and wait around on you to get the job done. i will just do it myself, right?!?
this include anything from work at school to spiritual battles….

today was amazing. uttterly amazing.

we went to church, like we normally do on sunday mornings.
it was an incredible time of pressing in and
i began to sense some warfare in my spirit.
i shared with pastor timothy about it and continued to press in.

then he took it a step further… “its time for the men in the church to be a man…”
and can i say, YES IT IS!

for years, the men have slowly stepped out of the limelight and become tolerant of our world.
whether its been a slight withdrawal or one that was full force, the fact remains
that the men in the church nowadays..well, um, SUCK.
they are passive.
they are apathetic.
they are quite.
they dont pray.
they dont seek.
they dont fast.
they have no relationship with Christ.
when leaders call out to their houses to pray, the women are the first ones
to grab hold of it and run. and you HEAR them. they are LOUD.
but ask a man to pray…you might as well go to the library…because you can hear a pin drop.
they sit in the back of the church hoping they will go unnoticed and
quickly exit so that they are not held accountable to anything or anyone.
i know the game.

can i tell you the women in the church are tired?
tired of doing your job, men. tired of taking up the slack on behalf on the family because you dont
want to “offend the world” or because you want to be “masculine” with your buddies.
the women are tired of having to take care of themselves and YOUR BEHIND.

wanna know masculine to me? answer me these:

  1. if i am attacked by the enemy, can you pray, intercede and stand in the gap for me?
  2. do you know how to handle demon possession?
  3. can you pray LOUD and HARD?
  4. can you TRAVAIL?
  5. can you fast until BREAKTHROUGH?
  6. will you be a watchman at night when you hear the Lord speak?
  7. will you be the head of the household, more than just with money?
  8. can you handle the finances?
  9. can you be Christlike in character?
  10. will you be a pillar of righteousness?
  11. will you be a man of truth?
  12. do you know the Word more than me?
  13. can you impart to me?
  14. can you engage in battle, despite the cost or casuality possibility?
  15. can you pray, in front of people and in your prayer closet?
  16. can you be a father…a true father?
  17. do you yield to Holy Spirit?
  18. are you unshakable in your faith?
  19. are you unashamed of your savior?
  20. can you worship with abadonment?
  21. will you dance before the Lord?
  22. will you SHOUT for victory?
  23. will you give of your time and MONEY when the Lord says to?
  24. are you obedient?
  25. are you teachable?
  26. can you submit to authority?
  27. are you selfless?
  28. are you becoming highly skilled and advanced trained in the Word of God?
  29. do you have a passion for the hurting, the dying, the hungry, the thirty and the lost?
  30. are you IN LOVE with Jesus?

if you answer “yes” to all of those questions, you could very possibly find you
one heck of a godly woman. but if you cant handle these things, she would rather
be alone….cause we are tired of taking care of you pansy fellas.

grow some balls boys…this ain’t your momma’s church service anymore.
its a passionate, committed, in love, unshakable, living, breathing, unashamed, Christlike lifestyle.

be a man. pimpslap religion…

3 thoughts on “be a man.

  1. And the battle is on!!!! Sunday was amazing! I was honored to be a part of the winning team! I agree, girl! I personally wouldn’t say that the men of the church “suck,” but there has been a slow shift that has gone unnoticed for a large part until now. I’ve looked a lot at how the media defines and portrays the sexes and it has completely changed in our generation. Our society and media has begun to portray the women as the strong independent sex while the men have been portrayed as the submissive, dumb creatures. After a while, people will start to act like what they hear. Why try to be something different, ya know. Have we come to the place where for so long we’ve acted like we don’t need the men because we are so strong and independent? I think we need to remind them daily of who they are in Christ to help remove these negative thought processes. I don’t know…it’s no one’s fault but the ugly devil’s. Our society is crumbling because of the lack of a father figure. The church is crumbling as well. I am grateful that we as a body are finally pushing in more than ever for victory in ending this curse! I’m standing with you, Lisa! I’ve already seen breakthroughs in my marriage and praise God for the warriors that He is stirring in our midst. Ain’t nothin gonna be able to touch us. Whoo Hoo!!!

  2. Here here! Grow a pair!! It is well past time for men to step up. Sometimes I wonder if it is partly my fault. Do I lift him up or do I cut him down. What things do I speak over my man on a daily basis. Is it life or is it death. Do I praise him or do I curse him. I must admit that I don’t always pray for my husband as I should. I also say things negatively sometimes. God created us woman to be a helpmete to our men so let’s stand with them and help them grow a pair! I have been inspired and challanged to not only pray for him daily and consistantly but also at a new level. And to also guard my lips. Mark my words you will see a difference in him as I stand with him and seek God on his behalf. Thanks Lisa for helping to open my eyes!

  3. Hey ladies,
    I totally take blame for our men becoming this way. We have allowed our mouths to be so dominant and we have not praised them for being our breadwinners and for taking care of us. So the responsibility falls on all of us. It really does. We have got to work together to put these men where they belong and in pursuit of the Most High God.
    Erin, you are very right. We, as women, like to run off of emotions and make our men look like dirt. Not a Proverbs 31 characteristic at all.
    Mark my words, this date and time, I will lift my Zackery up and we will be doing battle together!

    I cannot wait to see where this goes.

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