A New Wardrobe

Galatians 3:27 – “For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ.”

Want a scripture that will shake your world? Read that one. No, really…read it again. And then meditate on it. And then study it. And then meditate on it again. And then study the Greek. And then ask for revelation. And meditate some more. What will you get?


My personal testimony has not always been what I would call…earth-shattering. I was not delivered from drugs, alcohol or a prostitute drug out of the crack house. I never felt like my “testimony” was important, that it would make a difference.

But, it’s the only story I know. It’s the only way to God I have. See…

I grew up in church.
My parents are still married.
I was not a “bad” kid.
My family would be considered “normal”.

No one would think “Oh, poor white girl has it rough”, I was not ever in need of food, clothes, an education…or if I was, my parents never let me know. I lived in a “safe” world…or so you would think so from looking at my outside.

So, here’s my story…


(I am getting ready to open my closet. You’re going to see my skeletons…)

I was eaten up with: woundedness, hurt, bitterness, jealousy, apathy, gluttony, striving, ambition, competition, self-righteousness, selfishness, anger, worry, anxiety, sexual impurity, discouragement, orphan thinking, criticalness, pride, lukewarmness, performance orientation, guilt, shame, frustration, cycles, addiction, spitefulness, cynicalness and idols.
(I am sure there are more you can add here…)

My outside story might have not looked detrimental to my spiritual health, but the inside of me was filthy and suffocating the life out of me. These things that I carried as baggage were things I wore daily with a smile, hugs, moods, cunning remarks, sarcasm and witty comments. I hid them in different ways, to suppress the hurt and make YOU think I was okay.

But I never was okay.

I was allowing SIN to penetrate so deep within my spirit, I was a disease to other believers. I was a disease to the non-believer. I was diseased and I was spreading my ugly, nasty, filthy germs EVERYWHERE.

The past 7 years I have been on a new type of journey in my walk with Christ. I have tackled several of these issues only to find myself back in certain cycles, not fulling taking on the “freedom” the Word of God promises me. But it wasn’t because Jesus didn’t do His part…it was because I wasn’t doing mine.

See, I liked wearing some of those titles. They were comfortable. Some gave me attention. Some allowed me excuses to stay the same in some areas. Some people continued to bring up my past and I felt like I could never get over the fact that I was a manipulative, critical, rude and un-Christlike lady. I never really PUT THESE THINGS OFF.

Galatians 3:27 tells us that we are baptized into Christ AND that we PUT ON Christ. To put “on” in the Greek is endyo. It means “to sink into one’s clothing” & “to clothe oneself”. The problem that I have been having in my walk for YEARS is that I never put off those things to put on Christ. I was trying to put Christ on OVER those things to hide them, rather than allowing the robes of Christ to disrobe my sin. Instead of undressing and allowing myself to be seen for who I was, I was going with this “layered” look in the Spirit.




Now this is not to say that I have mastered this by any means, but there has been such a revelation to me about putting on Christ, that I am finding so many other things I have dressed myself in other than Christ, that I am “cleaning out my closet”. I am “spring cleaning” in the Spirit, getting rid of these filthy rags that He has been trying to get me out of for years! He is standing there holding my white robe of righteousness, waiting for me to just strip down so He can dress me in the riches that He has set aside for me.

After all, if you continue in Galatians 3, in verse 29 Paul writes that I am an HEIR.
An HEIR deals with royalty.

For years, I have chosen the rags over the robes.
I have chosen my sin over sanctification.
I have chosen to live in falsehood and not freedom.
I have chosen to live in the past instead of letting go to live in the present.
I have chosen comfort over the King.

But, today…I choose a new wardrobe. A robe. A beautiful white robe.

And tomorrow, I will choose it again.
And again. And again. And again.


I will have to put off daily, to put Christ on daily.
I have to change my clothes daily in the physical, why wouldn’t I change my clothes daily in the spiritual?

Put off the rags. Put on Christ. Put on


Voting. Why I Will NOT Endorse or Vote for President Barack Obama

It’s very simple you see:

11 Reasons Why I Will Not Endorse President Barack Obama:
1. He is a novice [1 Timothy 3:6; Romans 13:1-7]; He studied law, but did not practice law once he completed his degree; the only background knowledge he has is:
A. He was a senator for TWO years.
B. He ran a community organization
2. His mentors were anti-colonialism (Jeremiah Wright & Frank Marshall Davis [Davis also has a 600 page FBI file & was on the FBI ‘Security Index A’ list which meant that if there would have been any national security issues, he would have automatically been arrested. He was also a member of the CPUSA].
3. His current endorsements include: Hugo Sanchez & Fidel Castro’s family (known socialists).
4. His voting record. He voted FOR abortion in the 9th month/3rd trimester; He did NOT vote to ban sex shops near schools/churches [voting records are available online].
5. His supreme court judge decisions.
6. He promotes a utopia for the United States, but has unrealistic ability [A utopia CANNOT be producted].
7. Right to Life policy (again refer to his abortion vote in #4).
8. Sanctity of Marriage- He has made this a ‘plank’ in the democratic platform.
9. Michelle Obama’s quote: “For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country…” Really?!? The most independent, free, amazing country on Planet Earth and you’re just NOW proud?!?
10. His associates (1 Corinthians 15:33)- Frank Marshall Davis, Jeremiah Wright (who has honored Louis Farrkhan, the Father of Islam, who has made several degrading remarks about America), Bill Ayers, etc.
11. Religious freedom- We are losing this [with him] even though it is plainly stated in the Constitution, Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence.


I encourage you to read, think and pray at this time. Don’t follow your heart–the Word says it is wicked & deceitful. This is the time to be spirit-led. 


First of all, I should say that this is my first post…in a very, very, VERY long time. I decided to take a break from writing to work on me–sounds a bit selfish, huh? I needed to learn to write with a new perspective of grace, mercy & compassion. I love people, but I found myself frustrated when they didn’t understand what I understood; Thus I decided to “put down my pen” and dig in my heels to know God deeper.

I was awakened one year ago today at a “get-together”. When my husband & I arrived, the few people that were there were engaged in prayer. We simply joined in & for the next long while, we cried, cried out and prayed for His Presence to transform us! Thus, started me on yet another journey of knowing who He truly was/is/will be. 

My pastor spoke on redemption Sunday and it was amazing what revelation he spoke regarding it. As I was studying the other day, I came across something about redemption I never realized; it’s three-fold. Redemption is a cool word to say, offer to someone who has messed up & what the world truly desires…but do we really know what all in included in a redemption deal with Abba Father?

1. Redemption set me free from captivity.
I was in the slave market, up for grabs in the Kingdom of darkness. I was a slave to darkness AND my flesh. Although I thought I was making my own decisions and living my life on my agenda, I was truly on the agenda belonging to darkness and fulfilling a role they so strategically placed me—utterly NOT dependent on God. It was more of a humanistic religious way of living per say. But when Jesus was being beaten, ridiculed and spat upon, He was thinking of me. He was thinking about how I was being abused by the kingdom of darkness. He wanted to rescue me. He became Luke :18-19 by setting me free! He broke the chains of my captivity from the power of darkness.

2. Redemption released my blame & paid my debt.
For every sin, every iniquity, for everything that was never enough—it is now PAID IN FULL. His Blood was the ONLY ransom the kingdom of darkness would allow to pay my debt off–and He did so willingly. All blame, shame, regret, guilt & gaps caused by my sin have been negated and overruled by His Blood. His Blood washed away my sin, His Blood took away the shame and guilt & His Blood filled in all the gaps and voids in my life. 

3. Redemption reformed me & made me worthwhile.
He could have stopped at releasing me from the grasp of darkness. He didn’t. He could have stopped me at releasing from the grasp of darkness and releasing my debt. He didn’t. Redemption covers one more thing- It makes me WHOLE. He could have ignored the cracks, the voids and the wounds in my life…but He didn’t. He saw fit in the Redemption Story to complete it; to complete me; to complete you.  


I could write more. Redemption goes deeper. But I want you & I to grasp the reality and the realness of redemption. I want us to realize all the aspects of it. I want us to see & hear the truth of redemption.

Ask Him today to reveal Himself greater to you; ask Him today to speak to you about what He has redeemed you from…You may hear more than you think.

It’s a good day to thank Him. It’s a good day to thank Him for redemption.




my last post was august of 2009.

things have been a bit different from then. just a few lines of what’s new…


on july 24, 2011 on a sunday evening, at the home of my spiritual parents, i was awakened. truly awakened. i wept and travailed. i cried out. i danced. HE HEARD ME.

after searching for 30 years in my life, wondering where this big “God” was, knowing there was always “MORE”, he brought me to a place where i am beginning to see things with my own eyes.

he has answered prayers. i saw him shift the clouds in the atmosphere as we prayed. i saw him take away pain from traci as she cried out in pain from the cancer. i saw him shift hurricane irene from a category 3 to a 1…and this is no coincidence. this is evidence of a greater power that is HE. he is the I AM.

for the first time in my life i look forward to awaking each morning at 4:30 to seek His face. time is not an issue for me, neither is the waking up. i long to sit and hear him speak to me, it flows like water. his words are like sweet honey from a honeycomb. nothing, and i mean NOTHING compares to hearing HIS voice.

the best part: the best is yet to come.

he is purifying. he is refining. and i want every bit of it.
even the suffering.

this world has nothing for me.
thank you Lord for awakening that in me.

until another time…(soon, i hope)…

i pray awakening into your life. cry out in desperation.


he heard me. and i laugh and cry about it all the time…because HE HEARD ME.

Spiritual Understanding. The Benefits of…

This year has been such a year of learning, revelation and of more understanding. I basically soak in what I am taught like a five year old. I grasp it and I chew on it. I ponder it and figure out how to implement it in my life. I just know that there is so much more than this world has to offer…

Pops is my spiritual dad. He also goes by PT, Pastor Timothy and all that jazz. He has been mentoring me for about the past year and a half. Its been quite an uphill climb, as I certainly don’t want the pastor to see all my junk! But, alas, he has seen it himself and gladly points in out. He does it with gladness so he can help me discover how to be free!

So…I am here to share some really cool stuff found in Colossians 1:9-10. In these verses you will find:

Four Benefits of Spiritual Knowledge & Understanding: (Are you ready?!?…They are SUPER good!)

  1. When you grasp spiritual understanding, your life will ALWAYS honor and please Father God. How cool is that? Because I learn to understanding His word + revelation, I can live a life of holiness and be set apart because I UNDERSTAND how and why!
  2. As you grasp more spiritual understanding, there WILL be production of fruit in your ministry and life. Although your ministry IS your life…so it all works hand in hand.
  3. The more spiritual understanding you gain, you will continue to grow as you learn…it will not stop! You will keep gaining and gaining….WOW!
  4. Through spiritual understanding you will know God so intimately that He will be the driving force behind your persistence, determination and endurance!

That’s all for now…nothing too deep…just re-establishing my blog writing… 🙂

Make it a great day!

Paul. His Zeal to Destroy the Church.

Two posts in one day after not blogging since January? Yeah, I have been a little busy…with my job, packing, moving, getting married, etc., etc.

So I am just sharing a few downloads I have been receiving lately…but good night! The Lord is really trying to tell me something…

Galatians 1:13-14: “You know what I was like when I followed the Jewish religion-how I violently persecuted God’s church. I did my BEST to destroy it. I was far ahead of my fellow Jews in my zeal for the traditions of my ancestors.”

After I read this verse I sat and I pondered. I asked the Lord what I was to receive from reading this. Here is what He told me (some of you won’t like this…):

“Lisa, the world has more zeal to destroy my people, the church, than the church has to love the world”. OUCH.

Does this happen to put a fire under your butt like it did mine?!? Just wondering…

An Ode to my Husband.

The other day I was sitting at home waiting for my new husband to arrive home and I realized that there were so many vital things that I loved about him. So I wrote it down and decided to share it with you:

Why I Love You…

I love you because you love me unconditionally

You seek to find the best in me (even when it is hidden)

You desire nothing more than an extraordinary life

And that life you want to live out with me

You desired me as your lover

You hand selected me as your best friend

You vowed to love me despite circumstances and obstacles

I vowed to follow you wherever He sends you

You hear His voice (more than you realize)

You follow His word, you aspire to be obedient

You are becoming a voice in this generation, strong & confident

You are aggressive in your faith & grow more daily in understanding

Pushing past mundane & mediocre life

You soar above others with your diligence & devotion

You are steadfast & loyal until things are done right & complete

You see details from all perspectives

Especially how Father God sees things

You are determined to learn how to love like He loves

You are able to hear the sounds of heaven

You are able to uproot the gates of hell

You uplift, engage & encourage others to step beyond their reality vision

You speak with wisdom well beyond your years

You work hard, whether for nothing or for all

You seek direction & spiritual fatherhood

You are on a quest to find something not many have found

You want to know the secrets of the Kingdom of heaven

You want to be a Kingdom man

You want to be a legitimate Father, natural & spiritual

You want to be an influencer, its not what you say, but what you do

You long to be a part of the change

You strive to be different and set apart

You know we belong here, a peculiar people

You inspire, encourage, edify & challenge me.

I admire, honor, uplift, submit, bless, & love you.

You are the priest of our home.

You are the man of God that He designed you to be! And you continue to quest after your full inheritance…

I love you…

I printed this out and put it next to his sweet tea glass (he is greeted with one every afternoon when he arrives home). I love him because of the man God has made him and continues to mature him into.

Into the New Year I Go…Welcome 2009!

The first thing that I have to get off my chest is this… 2009 is actually my 10 year reunion from high school. YUCK.  But I do admit I look really great for my age! And now I will move on….

2009 is gearing up to be an exciting, excellent, elevating, eventful and encouraging year! I also know that with these things are going to come testings ,obstacles, struggles and maybe a little chastisement (for when I choose to not do the right thing, maybe…hoping this will NOT happen!). I am shifting my mindset for these things and for what is to come. I am preparing my spirit to handle these things and to tell my soul (mind, heart, emotions, personality) to quit trying to control everything. I must learn to fully rely on my spirit and Father God rather than what I think is best.

This year is so different than any other year. Despite getting married in under six months (Holy Cow!), I have a lot of training and equipping that is going on in my life. In addition, I also have been put into activation.

The first goal I hope and pray to accomplish in 2009 is my fast. Fasting is very difficult for me. I LOVE FOOD! I love Olive Garden, Elizabeths Pizza and Atlantic Bread Company, but I am praying for God to lead me and show me new things as I fast fin order to receieve clarification, revelation and spiritual adrenaline. My ultimate goal would be 40 days. I start today. I am viewing this fast one day at a time not as a whole group of days.  I am continually preparing my mind and spirit. This is a test for me.

Some other new things I am tackling are:

  • Teaching, delegating and facilitating the ICIT course at UFC
  • Undergoing leadership training in the “In Search of Timothy” yearlong intense sessions
  • Teaching “Ultimate Kidz” at UFC
  • Worship leading on Ultimate Praise
  • Life Mentoring with Pastor Timothy
  • Marriage counseling with Pastors Timothy & Diane

The list can continue. But these things above are high priority on my list. As I look at them I remember the wonderful triangle of “Rights and Responsibilties” and the verse which says, “To whom much is given, much is required”.

Can I remind you that we don’t “earn”, “desereve” or “prove” in order to receive gifts from Father God? He simply gives as he sees fit. So if you have a lot of gifts with a lot of things to do…the one thing you should not do is complain or say, “It’s not fair”. I can already tell you you are correct:  its not fair. So…Deal. Take your gifts and move onto the new year ready to tackle the things the Lord has laid out for you!

What are you new goals, purposes and plans for 2009?!?

Defeated? Heck no, not me.

I absolutely refuse to be discouraged.

I do, however, choose to know that my God:
still reigns.
has not left me.
knows what He is doing.
knew this wasn’t a surprise.
is not worried one bit.
still knows I am His favorite. 🙂
still holds my future.
will still bless me and keep me.
will protect me.
will not let harm come near me.
is close.
is Almighty.
is Holy.
is Sovereign.
is Righteous.
is my maker.
is my friend.
is my lover.
can heal my sickness.
can heal my wounds.
controls my finances.
is in charge of my relationships.
can change the world.
can move mountains.
can change individuals.
can change a city.
can change a state.
can change a nation.





One Man Cannot Save Our Country…

Here you go…here’s my deal…

1. I am a McCain supporter. I am a Palin supporter. You cannot change my mind. Do I think they will be able to “save our country?” No. I do believe that they will fight for the American people and allow me to work and keep my hard earned money instead of handing it out to free loaders…Yes.

I believe in LIFE and the sanctity of marriage. Marriage is a right. Homosexuality is not. With that said, we all have the same rights.
I am not voting for Obama because he does not endorse anything that I believe in. It is not because of his color, background or party affiliation. He does not stand for LIFE or protecting the family. He doesn’t  support our military. He doesn’t wear our American flag. He is only proud of this country and loves America NOW because he is running for president. Shouldn’t someone running our country love our country despite circumstances? Hmmm….

One man, though, cannot solve this issue.

2. Universal healthcare? This is not happening. Why? We have 8,000,000 veterans our own country cannot take care of, how in the world can Obama say its going to happen? It’s not. Hate to disappoint you. Canada has the same plan. Hope you don’t get cancer…it could be up to a year before we can fit you in for chemo…thats a socialist healthcare plan.

I am not sure why people think one man can solve this issue.

3. Tax cuts? (I am just laughing inside). Any candidate that claims he will cut taxes is seriously delusional, both parties including…Where is the money going to come from with all these plans?!? Think really hard about this…Seriously people.

One man cannot solve this issue.

4. The war: its spiritual not physical. Please do not post any comments about how the Bible says Jesus was a peacemaker and then go on to tell me that you “interpret the Bible for yourself”. Yes, Jesus is the Prince of Peace, but He is not a Peacemaker. If He was a peacemaker he would have let death win when He was crucified…but that did not happen. He is alive and well and you better start believing it! There is only one way…BIBLICAL TRUTH. The war over yonder is a spiritual battle that many will never understand because they choose not to. It is not because I think they are stupid, but they have chosen not to really listen and open up to why it is neccessary we fight. We must be on the offense of they will come over here! They hate us and want us gone… check out the website and get enlightened!
www. obsessionthemovie. com.

One man cannot solve this issue.

5. I have never seen so much hatred during a presidental election. This is not the time for our country to be in war against each other. Even though I am a McCain supporter, it does not mean I don’t pray for Obama. Both men need love, support and prayer. I am not sure what kind of junk your parents taught you, but I was taught to respect authority even if I didn’t like the person. Its not the person in authority you submit to, its the position. So quit complaining about Bush, McCain and Obama and PRAY! I am speaking to myself here too! I know that one day I will be held accountable for what I did and did not do. And despite whether “you think so, because I interpret for myself” or not, you are too!

Again, one man cannot save my country.

6. The bottom line is this…many people are putting their trust into one man instaed of the true head Jesus Christ. So for those of you that think that Mr. McCain or Mr. Obama can save this country and where they are, you are sadly mistaken. We need to get on our faces and begin praying for mercy….mercy that the Most High will take over and do as He wills, not as a man wills…


One man cannot save this country, but our Father in heaven can.

Lou Engle (www.thecall.com) has called a 3 day fast (of your choice) through the November 4th elections. One of the first things Mr. Obama intends to do is to put the “Freedom of Choice Act” into action that will continue to murder innocent babies. Please, when you vote, do not go with popular vote, peer pressure or these degrading ads you see. Please pray and seek Biblical revelation before you set into place in the White House. I refuse to allow my hands to be covered in blood.